The woes of the under appreciated husband never end. The ruling society of women has, for generations, conspired against
their men and withholding well deserved praise is just a part of it. The one sock conspiracy which has been falsely attributed
to laundry elves could stand more examination. It is my experience that only the socks of me or my son are on the hit list.
My wife and daughter are sympathetic to our dismay when only one part from a favorite pair of socks is found, but I am beginning
to suspect that their sad frowns and shaking of heads are more ruse than not.
Would you like to know one of the reasons behind the demise of ‘Promise Keepers’? In my opinion, that organization
started going down the tubes when it started to try to play to the women in society. Would you like to know why more and more
viewers are ‘turning off’ the Olympics, every four years? Because those power brokers often shift their focus
away from the broad, competitive spectrum and play towards the women in society.
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