A.) Marriage is for a lifetime and the bond is only broken by the death of one or the other partner
Read Romans 7:2 and I Corinthians 7:39
Why do you think God designed marriage as a lifetime bond?
Marriage is a representation of the bond between Christ and the church and that bond is for eternity.
We are also
called to have but one marriage partner, why?
Again marriage
between a man and a woman is modeled after our relationship with God. So just
as having
more than one than one God in our lives will break the intimacy we have with God
having more
than one marriage partner will break the bond of intimacy God intended between
a man and
a woman.
is based on mutual rights and obligations of one partner to another
Can you name some of those obligations? Love, Honor and cherish
Any list of marital obligations
should include marital fidelity
C.) Why does God say that marriage infidelity,
even when agreed upon by both partners, is a sin?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:16-18
Marriage infidelity wears away at the spiritual and physical oneness and permanence God reserved
for marriage.
Think about it, if you get married with the idea that the relationship was never meant to be permanent
how much is that going to take away from the intimacy of the relationship. Also
it gives each partner an escape clause incase the marriage works out for the worse instead of the better.
D.) Why is Marrying a non-believer viewed by God as a violation of His word?
Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 and in your own words describe what a relationship with a non-believer
can do to our walk with God
God has revealed in Scripture
that some people will never marry
Why do you think it is God’s will for some to be single and others not?
Whether single or engaged all
sex outside of marriage is sin in God’s eyes, why?
This is because as it states in 1 Corinthians 6:18 our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and were bought with
a price, so we must honor God with our bodies and sex outside of marriage dishonors God.