- Our response
to God in all our life, love adoration etc.
1.) Read Psalm 96:7-9 and Romans 12:1
What can we learn about worship from theses
2.) Read Psalm 96:4 and Psalm 2:11
What two qualities do we see about worship
from these verses?
Worship is rooted in reverence and is a
privilege but also a responsibility.
- Declare God’s
Glory and His salvation to all. You and me
1.) Read Romans 16:25-27 and Revelation
To whom are we as the church to
declare God’s glory so they to can in turn worship God?
2.) Read Ephesians1: 22,23
Who helps us to carry out our purpose?
C. Is
a reminder us that God alone is to be worshiped
1.) Read Exodus 20:1-4
How are we to learn
what kind of worship pleases the Lord?
2.) Read John 4:24
Worship is not to be a what kind of activity,
but should include plenty of ____?
In closing: Is worship just a corporate type of response to God or can
it be a personal response also?