Fruit of the Spirit


What is Self Control? – A World View

I don’t really know if there is a worldview of self control anymore? When you come right down to it, this world seems to be spinning out of control.  The word self is in but instead of self-control is it self-expression.  The buzz throughout the secular world is that there is a desire to do what they want, when they want and with who theywant to.  To put any controls on their self-expression is to go against their rights as a free and independent citizen.  All I can say is give me a break. 


The lack of self-control has caused a downward spiral in this country that if it does not cease we may see the end of the United States, as we now know it.  If we are to understand how out of control our world has become all you need to do is look at the dictionary definition of self-control is.


What is Self Control? – The Dictionary definition

Control of one's emotions, desires, or actions by one's own will. 

When you look at this definition you see two things right away.   The first part of the definition is the control of one’s emotions by one's own will.  All you need to do is look at the headlines to see what happens when God and Jesus are taken out of the equation.  We are left to wander around reacting to our own emotions out of control.  In my local paper last year alone there were at least twenty or thirty killings which were due to anger and emotional reactions to bad drug deals.  One has to wonder how many of those killing would have been averted if people knew the Lord and lived by the Fruit of the Spirit.

The second half of the definition is control of one’s desires or actions by one's own will.  This is one area I think even Christians have a hard time dealing with.  Our desires control who we are and the person we will become. That is why control over our desires or actions is crucial.  The problem is that sometimes we are confused about what is a desire and what is actually a need.  Do you buy a fifty thousand dollar new car or one for a lot less?  Our desire says we want to look good and impress others so we go with the fifty thousand dollar new car.

Now using a fifty thousand dollar new car may be an extreme example but I used it to get your attention. Anytime we go against what is right and react out of impulse, without thinking it through, and do what we know to be wrong we are acting on our own desires.    Do we tell the person about Jesus or do we skip over it for fear of looking bad? We are letting our own desires to not look bad get in the way.  By the way Jesus said if we are ashamed of Him here on earth then He will be ashamed of us where it counts in Heaven before the Father.


What is Self Control? – Paul’s vision in Galatians

So the question needs to be asked what does self-control have to do with the Fruit of the Spirit? When you think about it a Christian must have a higher degree of self-control than non-Christians because we are always under scrutiny.  If we give into an inappropriate desire then it will tarnish not only our witness but also maybe the witness of many other Christians. 


If we are left on our own then our desires will take control of us and may even consume us.  Paul knew that well after all he was the guy whose desire was to persecute and even kill Christians.  The one-day on a lonely road Jesus came to Paul and changed the desire of his heart. This is what happens to us when we come to Christ the Holy Spirit changes the desires of our hearts. Paul knew that when he wrote this verse that if we truly focus our love and joy on Jesus and put our faithfulness is in Him not in our own actions then not only will we have peace and the other Fruit of the Spirit but we will also have self-control. 


Not in our own power but in the power of the Holy Spirit.  I know in my life there are many times I have felt the Holy Spirit say no when my desire was to say yes.  It was only by the power of the Holy Spirit that I could have had self-control.  The important thing then is to listen to the Holy Spirit.  After all if we love God then we must place our joy and faith in the fact that when God says no then there must be a good reason for Him to be doing it.  Many times Paul wanted to do something or go somewhere and God said no.  I am sure there were times when Paul thought about going against God’s advice but out of self-control Paul listened to God.


The list was written with self-control last because when you look at is this way until you truly love God in your heart.  This means that you do not share any space in your heart with anything else, but allow God to be the only tenant there, you will not know any of the other Fruit of the Spirit.  Also I feel that until the other Fruit of the Spirit are evident in your life you do not really have self-control but will every now or then give into a wrong desire.  Without the love joy, and peace of God inside you cannot show the patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness and faithfulness of God to others, because you do not fully have self control in your actions through the Holy Spirit.


What is Self Control? – Some parting thoughts and a couple of questions

Man’s desires are to do his own thing but it is important that as Christians that we practice self control not only for our good but the good of others.  Also when we do not give into temptation and practice self-control we are showing God how much we love Him and are grateful for what he has done for us.


Think about it, have you truly practiced self-control today or are there thought or actions where you gave into your desires?


Also is you life one of self control or is it one that is out of control Monday through Saturday but brought back in line on Sunday only?