Create An Outreach Website

Website Intro
Poland: A Website Model
Add The Personal Touch
Touching Others
Creative Evangelism Online
Church Template Providers
Website Accessability
Use The Right Language
Assume Zero Knowledge
Writing Your Own Stuff
Writing For The Web
Tools Of the Master

Welcome graphic


Before you being to design a website for any minsitry you need to ask yourself three basic questions
Who's my target audience?
How am I going to do it?
What's My purpose for being online?
Once you answer these questions you are well on your way to creating an online minsitry.  Remember creating your site is only the begining after you are up and running you will need to get the word out and let others know where they can find you

This website is designed to offer you some beigining information on how your sote should be designed and used at teh bottom of each page is a link to which is a grest site for information on planning and effectively using a miinistry website

    we recommend . . . Web Evangelism Bulletin
  - every 2 weeks
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