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Music Debate (a guest commentary)
Top Reasons Against Christian Rock - ANSWERED!
Isn't Christian Rock Compromising With the World?

WhAT AboUt CHriStIAn RoCk

Do you listen to Christian Rock or any Christian music for that matter?
Christian Music has chnged since it's inception in the 60" and 70's.  Today's Christian music sontains everything from rap to rock to pop to grunge, but is it right to use the worlss tunes to promote Christ and the truth? 
Or is the case against Christian Rock merely a matter of taste.
On this site we will offer some insights into Christian Rock and let you be the judge if Christian Rock is righteous or raunchy.  Remember to keep an open mind and a prayerful heart as you read the informaton.  Do not base your judgement on taste but on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit's leading

Is Christian Rock Good Or Bad?


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