Biblical Principles For Living


Spirit World/Holiness
Truth and Integrity
In His Image
Repentance and Restitution
Marriage and Singleness
The Family
Shared Life
Christian Liberty

To define the Biblical principles behind how and why we worship the Lord.
Key Verses:
Psalms 96:7-9
7 Ascribe to the LORD , O families of nations,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
8 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
bring an offering and come into his courts.
9 Worship the LORD in the splendor of his [1] holiness;
tremble before him, all the earth.


What is the ultimate purpose of our worship?


  1. Our response to God in all our life, love adoration etc.

1.) Read Psalm 96:7-9 and Romans 12:1

What can we learn about worship from theses verses?

2.) Read Psalm 96:4 and Psalm 2:11

What two qualities do we see about worship from these verses?

Worship is rooted in reverence and is a privilege but also a responsibility.


  1. Declare God’s Glory and His salvation to all. You and me

1.)    Read Romans 16:25-27 and Revelation 7:9-10

To whom are we as the church to declare God’s glory so they to can in turn worship God?

2.) Read Ephesians1: 22,23

Who helps us to carry out our purpose?


C.     Is a reminder us that God alone is to be worshiped

   1.) Read Exodus 20:1-4

   How are we to learn what kind of worship pleases the Lord?

            2.) Read John 4:24

Worship is not to be a what kind of activity, but should include plenty of     ____?


D.    Is a celebration of the Mighty Acts of God

   1.) Read Hebrews 9:13-14 and Exodus 20-40

   From these verses when and where should worship occur?

   2.) Read Isaiah 29:13 and Psalms 51:16,17 and 84:1-2

   Worship should be both ______and a ________ uniting worshipers


E.     Examples of worship in the New Testament Are ?

1.) Read Acts 2:42-47, 4:23-37 and 1Timothy 4:13

What are some examples of worship and are the incorporated in your morning worship service?

2.) Read 1 Corinthians 14:40

Can a worship service contain elements of a particular culture or must they be set to a specific standard for all?  Also if the culture dictates the worship service how must the worship service be performed?


In closing:  Is worship just a corporate type of response to God or can it be a personal response also?